Fanil Agliullin took part in the meeting of the Board of Directors of PJSC TATNEFT

29 June 2020, Monday

Today in Kazan, in the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan, the first meeting of the Board of Directors of PJSC TATNEFT took place after the meeting of shareholders.

 Rustam Minnikhanov, President of the Republic of Tatarstan, was unanimously elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tatneft Public Joint Stock Company.

 The Board of Directors reviewed the results of budget execution for the five months of 2020, approved the budget for July and the third quarter of this year.  The meeting heard information on the practical implementation of the sustainable development goals in the company.  Having joined the United Nations Global Compact in 2019, Tatneft has recognized and supports 17 UN goals.  To further address the company's challenges in the field of sustainable development, implementation initiators were identified who oversee the work in the following areas: "good health and well-being", "quality education", "clean water and sanitation", "low-cost and clean energy", "industrialization, innovation and  infrastructure ”,“ sustainable cities and towns ”,“ responsible consumption and production ”,“ combating climate change ”,“ conservation of terrestrial ecosystems ”,“ partnership for sustainable development ”.

 The Board of Directors approved three goals as priorities for integration into corporate business processes: ensuring the availability and rational use of water resources and sanitation for all;  urgent action to combat climate change and its consequences;  protection and restoration of terrestrial ecosystems and the promotion of their rational use, sustainable forest management, combating desertification, ending and reversing the process of land degradation and ending the process of biodiversity loss.

 The Board of Directors reviewed information on the development of the Domanik and Bitumen projects, within the framework of which Tatneft creates and tests technologies for the effective development and development of hard-to-recover reserves.  Work at the hard-to-reecover reserves test sites will continue as planned.

 Members of the Board of Directors reviewed and approved the Risk Management and Internal Control Policy of PJSC TATNEFT.  Risk management and internal control are integrated among themselves and into the management system and are part of the daily work of all divisions of the Company.  Each manager and employee must identify and control risks, plan their actions based on a risk assessment to make optimal and rational business decisions aimed at achieving strategic goals and operational results of the relevant business areas and the company as a whole.

 As part of the meeting’s agenda, the composition of the committees under the Board of Directors of PJSC TATNEFT was approved, as well as a number of other issues on the activities of the company were considered.






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